Donating is a great way to support our neighbourhood—we sincerely appreciate every contribution of any size. Follow the CanadaHelps donation form below to have a tax receipt delivered straight to your email.
Looking for other ways to give?
Cheque/Direct Debit
Cheques are payable to “Inner City Outreach” and can be mailed to our office:
Inner City Outreach
4545 Jane Street
Toronto, Ontario M3N 2K7.
If you’d like to give monthly directly from your bank account, complete this form along with a void cheque to Inner City Outreach at
Cryptocurrency/Stocks/Legacy Fund
You can now make a tax-receiptable donation in the form of Bitcoin or Ether. Give safely and securely through our CanadaHelps portal here.
Thinking of giving a charitable donation in the form of stocks, mutual funds or ETFs, or learn more about including Inner City Outreach in your will? Please contact Audrey at
Product Donation
Do you or your company have items or experiences that would be valuable to our community? We’d love to connect with you. Please drop us a line at
Some past ideas include: school supplies, field trip passes, food, gift cards.
I wish people could see the value of the work we are doing here, and the impact it is having on children and their families. I have never seen so many children, all the way from age 6 to 13, so excited to come to an after-school Homework Club. They truly love coming here and being part of the ICO family. It is a privilege to get to invest in children & youth in this community because it is making a visible difference in their lives.
– Karissa Rondon, Program Facilitator